Well, if you read my last post, and the comment following it, than sadly, no, poop does NOT work. Yea it was the first thing I tried. Now, again I didn't it for and with a purpose. In a game where you can spawn anything and everything, I thought I would try the oldest trick in the book. Spawn a piece of crap, spawn a bag, poop goes in bag, light bag on fire and see if someone would stomp it out. For my own sheer pleasure I wanted to do this. In no way would it be able to solve the puzzles, but it would have made me laugh, and laughter is generally equated to fun, and isn't fun supposed to be the root of video games anyway? Circle of life folks.
Finally, onto the game! First thing is the game is not based on graphics, its more about the game play. The start screen acts as a sandbox of sorts. No puzzles to solve, no starites to get, just open. Here is where I began to test the limits of what this game could really do. Again as I mentioned above, I tired the aforementioned with no luck and moved on. I tested the basics first. Made a car, drove around in it, spawned a bomb, blew up the car. I was having fun. I knew no brand or proper names would work but I still tried some. As also mentioned in my first post I tired the age old pirate vs ninja (three times mind you just to really test my theory!) Then just because the other duel to the death I had always wondered was who would win when Chuck Norris fought God...even though to some, they are one in the same. Sadly when I typed in "Chuck Norris" all that came up was some nerdy looking guy with a beard that in no way at all the King of Kick Ass. I did hear that Rick Ashley was in the game, so I plugged in "RICKROLL" and a small guy came up who looked slightly like him popped on screen, did a dance and just stood there for it bit. I proceded to try various other forms of explosives suchs as bombs, dynamite, rocket launchers and nukes. The nuke was sweet. I set it up, went over and interacted with it, and BOOM the whole screen goes white, next thing when the screen clears is Maxwell lying dead. All in all and almost two hours later, I hit that big star "Start" button on the bottom of the screen.
So the way the game works is that for each level, there are two modes. First mode is the puzzle part of the game. Here the objective is to get the starite. The star is pretty much in plain site, but you have to solve the puzzle at hand to get it using your vast imagination. The second mode is the action mode. Once again the objective is to solve the puzzle, but it's a bit different. This time the star is not in plain view but you are basically put to the task of solving the puzzle to spawn the star. The game has its own currency called "ollars" which you earn by completing the level. You earn more ollars based on three things. First is time, the faster the better. Second is style which is a cool one. The stranger, less obvious way, or sometimes the MOST obvious way will earn you some more. The last is par, which I will get into in a minute. Each level has a par, that par is how many items you can use to solve the puzzle to get the most amount of ollars. After you beat a level once, you can go back and play it three more times in a row to get more ollars and new merits. Merits act as somewhat achievements in the game. So you earn these ollars so that you can buy new levels, avatars and music. So that's the basics of the game. Simple concept but the game really offers so much just on the fact alone that their word data bank is so huge, the possibility of solving a puzzle the same way is limitless. Yea, you can just use jet pack or lasso to get the star every time but really what fun is that?
Just an example that I like to use when I tell people about the game. The first puzzle style game is the star is in the tree and you are tasked with getting it down. Well naturally the first thing you would think is chainsaw and/or axe. So yea I did that, chopped down the tree, got the star. Easy enough. I wasn't looking for easy though, I wanted to challenge myself to see what I could think of and how I could solve something as simple as a star being in a tree. So I started up the level again, and tried "beaver." The little guy came out with an weird thought bubble emotion thing that is similar to the way you Sims would talk to you when they want something. His was of a chicken leg, which meant he was hungry. Bites the tree, tree falls down, I get star, we are all happy. Also par was 2 for this level so I was trying to keep it low. So I kept trying other various items, some worked, some didn't. I tired blowing up the tree, burning it down but both ways only failed and I had to start over. One funny way was that I spawned a tow truck, attached the hitch to the tree and drove off ripping the tree from the ground. It tore out pretty fast and gave me a good laugh.
There are some faults to the game, albeit a few that I found so far. The overall game play can be wonky at times with Maxwell's controls being a bit off. There were a few times when I was trying to move a cow by putting leash on it and walking it, where Maxwell flipped out and wouldn't stop running until a butcher caught site of the cow and killed the shit out of it. Yea that was funny. Another thing that is really minor but some what bother some when playing is that with a data bank of words THAT big, the same models get used over and over again, so I might type in say "ray gun" then a few games later try "laser gun" (yes they are the same thing but its just an example) and you will get the same model, same effects. Again the devs didn't want to kill them selves with this shit so I totally understand, but when I am trying to put in something specific and it brings up something generic its like wtf mate? Other than that the game is awesome IMO. The highest point I found was actually the music surprising enough. It's goofy but at the same time really addictive to listen to. Most times when I'm playing DS it's while watching TV, waiting to respawn or be rezzed so the volume is down. Not this time, I played it with just the natural music, it's great.
The game really does offer so much fun stuff and I don't want to give away more than I have to because for anyone who has a DS, you should play this for yourself. To me the game totally lived up to its hype and is still providing hours of fun when I get bored of various other games that I play. When you need some mindless fun, just pick up the game, and see who would win between a zombie robot and a ninja shark.
As always guys, thanks for reading
- Nerdsbeware signing off
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