Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I think I am missing something again...

I was a stead-fast Nintendo supporter for many many years.  I owned/still own all my Nintendo systems with the exception of Virtual Boy (lawlz).  I didn't get a PS2 until probably 2004-2005 when the 3rd gen systems were coming out.  Even then I only bought the PS2 for a handful of games including Guitar Hero, Kingdom Hearts and Grand Theft Auto 3.  With all this being said, I wasn't into Microsoft console gaming.  Halo came out and I ignored it.  My general FPS multiplayer thirst was quenched by Quake 3, Half-Life 2 Deathmatch or Counter-Strike.  Halo 2 was huge for console multiplayer, but again I was a mouse and keyboard player, so I pass on it and didn't bother.  By the time Halo 3 came out I was a 360 owner.  I had a bunch of vacation time to use, and the hype behind Halo 3 was huge enough for me to guy pre-order, pick the game up at midnight and play until like 3-4 in the morning.  It took me a while to get into multiplayer,  the controls were quite awkward for me being used to something totally different.  Long story short, I sucked, I pushed it off for other games and eventually sold my copy back.

Then we came to Modern Warfare.  The same thing happened but I never got into it.  Eventually I played Modern Warfare 2 and went "shit THIS is what I've been missing!?" And if you regularly read this blog, you'll know that I love MW2.  In between there was Halo ODST which I didn't even bother with.  Again I was never much interested in Halo multiplayer.  So now we come to Halo Reach.

The hype behind this  game is huge.  I've heard talk that this IS Halo 4 if there was a true Halo 4.  I come to the conundrum again of will I be missing out on something as a 360 owner by not playing Reach?  The game looks really cool and the marketing for it is pretty awesome with the live action commercial.  I mean hell I feel like that's the closest were going to get to a live action Halo movie right now at least.  I wish someone could really sell me on Reach.  Besides the fact that I have a laundry list of games building up, on top of numerous games coming out toward the end of the month...Reach is no where on my radar.  Is it just because I am a MW2 fan?  Is it because I prefer FPS's via mouse & keyboard?  I don't know!  There is just nothing about the Halo games that gets me hooked like other games do. 

Like I said above I have so many games to play right now and so many coming out.  I'm currently playing Borderlands again, finishing up the Zombie Island DLC quite soon and very much looking forward to moving to Fort Knox stuff.  I forgot how fun that game is, single player is enjoyable, but not as much as co-op.  Along with that I want to wrap up my Mass Effect 2 gaming with the Katsumi DLC and the free DLC stuff they put out in March.  Tack on the fact that I am flitting between Fallout 3 and Gears Of War (yes, GoW 1 sadface here) so I can grab a copy of Gears Of War 2, to prepare for Gears of War 3, but that's a year away so I got some time.  I also just purchased Shadow Complex.  A nice bit of XBLA content made by Epic Games that puts a new spin on the whole "Metroid-vania" style of games.  Look for a full review of that soon as I just started playing it.  Coming out, sadly on the same day, is Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake.  Both games that I am really looking forward to playing. 

All I can say is it's a good time for gaming.
- Nerdsbeware Out

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