By definition, speaking in WoW standards naturally, "A tank is a character whose primary role is to absorb damage and prevent others from being attacked." Now of course in MW2 there's no such real thing as a "tank" since there are no bosses fights or anything, but due to the load-out and perks I choose for this class, a tank seemed appropriate. Again you might say wouldn't a Riot Shield combo be a better fit? And you'd be right, but again this really isn't a RPG and I'll name my classes anything I damn please. Moving on, the point of the Tank is damage, lots and lots of damage. What better way to do that then getting some action with a Light Machine Gun. Paired with a good heavy damage side arm and perks that hopefully keep you alive a bit longer. Like I said in the previous post, these are just what I use and by no way a professional take on which weapons you SHOULD be using, just my favorites. Once again, a DPS based class would probably just be a better name fit, but hopefully you'll see my point.
Once again, for reference:
The Tank
Primary Weapon: AUG HBAR. Hands down my favorite LMG. With it's superb accuracy for a machine gun and high damage, it makes for a great "tanking" weapon. I generally favor this weapon for those reasons, but the only downside I can see is if I remember correctly, the clip size isn't as big as say my second favorite LMG, the RPD The RPD lacks the accuracy and fire rate of say the MG4, but puts out optimal damage with a huge clip size. Nothing feels better than seeing and enemy peak out of a window, and unloading 300 bullets into the wall until you hit them. Now yea, it screws with your hit-miss ratio, but I'm more interested in getting a kill.
Attachment: In most games, I prefer a Grip to sights/scopes. Light machine guns accuracy is always an issue and the grip does a favorable amount to fix that. For something like the AUG with good accuracy, roll with a sight.
Secondary Weapon: Shotguns. Like I said above, I am looking for BIG damage output here. Shotguns are notoriously terrible with accuracy so really only pull them out when you need that close quick kill. With a LMG your clip is pretty big, so you should be able to hold tough with your primary for a while. At first I only used AA-12 because of its crazy fire-rate, and brutal damage, but then at level 42, I met the Ranger. A double barrel hellcat that is a pretty much guaranteed one shot kill if used right. Everything on this bad boy has pretty low stats except for damage, again, really only use this in a close fight. Time it right and you can fire off both barrels at once crushing your opponent.
Attachment: There are only two attachments available for the Ranger, FMJ, and of course if you play MW2 a fair bit, akimbo. If you are like me, at least once a match you round a corner to be looking down four barrels of death. It's cheap, but effective, use it.
Equipment: Again I stick with what I like, Claymores and Frag grenades. I tend to stay away from something like the throwing knife only because the gun takes kinda long to pull back out when you are switching weapons. As for special grenades, again stuns are always great due to the fact that it slows the enemy down making it easier to lay into them.
Perk 1: We can go two ways here, I'll explain each. First a great choice is Sleight of Hand Pro. Having large magazines comes with a price, they take a while to reload. SoH really helps cut down on that. You could always just switch to your secondary too. My second choice is Scavenger Pro. Again big magazines run out faster than you think, pick up more and keep unloading.
Perk 2: Lightweight Pro. Mentioned before, LMG's reduce your speed greatly due to their size, take that burden down a bit by being able to move some what faster. I like to use this instead of say Stopping Power because the guns do a fair amount of damage to begin, but I also don't know how or if Lightweight actually increases your overall speed with the gun. Will have to do some tests...
Perk 3: This one is sorta a tough choice since none really impact the effect guns. I tend to fall back on Commando Pro, but I guess Last Stand works as well. I wouldn't rely on Ninja or Scrambler because with a giant gun, you really aren't trying to be sneaky, but both are still good perks.
Death Streak: Painkiller or Final Stand. A nice boost when you spawn is always good, espeically in this case where you are using someone inaccurate guns. Final stand works as well because it allows you to still use say your Ranger to try and get off one last kill.
In closing, the Tank is a heavy hitter, pulling out all the stops to lay down destructive suppression fire while still being able to survive for a while. When I am looking to just have some fun on a map and blast the crap out of anything in my path, I play my tank. Part Three tomorrow will take a look into my Striker class, so check back for that!
Tip of the hat to you folks,
-Nerdsbeware out
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