Thursday, March 4, 2010

While Hollywood is off reinventing the wheel...

There are movies like this getting made, Terror At Blood Fart Lake.

Wow.  I commended whoever came up with this concept, found the funding to make the movie, people to star in it and actually make it to some sort of distribution.  Again it looks like it's supposed to be a spoof but the title alone brings into existence the thought that there are people out there making movies like that, and not shit like this.

For my day to day money making purposed, I do "data entry."  I put that in quotes because it's not really as simple as that.  I mean it is since what I do all day is essentially enter data into a database but there's a bit more to it.  I work for a pretty major book distribution company that I will leave nameless, but we also distribute entertainment (read: movies, music, video games).  Of my group there are five of us, and each get companies to handle.  These companies range from Disney, to Sony to EMI down to the no name companies that just sorta float in the dead space that is entertainment distribution.  I myself am pretty much responsible for half of that floating garbage.  When I first started working here I was the new guy, so naturally I got junked with the small companies that are unheard and uncared for.  Our main purpose here is to get titles that all the companies send, into our database, so that a buyer can order those titles for places such as Best Buy or Borders.  So when a new release is coming out, say for instance Avatar or Sherlock Holmes on DVD/BluRay, we get that information anywhere from 2-4 months before the rest of you usually find out.  I knew Inglorious Basterds was coming out in December, in August, practically a week after it hit theaters. 
Being a huge movie fan, its a nice perk to know when my favorite summer movies are coming out, and when to put money aside for them.

Now I don't have JUST small companies, I have a few major ones, plus the best one of them all, I enter every and all video games into our system.  So that same rule of finding out when stuff is coming out way in advance holds true for games as well.  It's not a bad gig and it pays the bills, and from time to time we get free promo CD's and DVD's.  What's nice is were not just handed a sheet and told to put it in, we get to actually talk to our vendors sometimes.  It ends up being a bit more personal than just standard data entry.  And then there's the movies like Terror At Blood Fart Lake.  Every once and a while you get a gem like that, that crosses your desk and you remember that no matter how bad that movie looks, someone out there is trying to do something different and not adapt, reboot or sequel something.

Real question is, if I were to get a copy of this movie, who would watch it with me?

Last one for the day, I promise.
Nerdsbeware out-

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