Friday, November 20, 2009


I hope you all come to this blog to catch up with me and my rants about gaming, but gaming is not my only passion .  Since probably the first time I saw Star Wars when i was like 11-12ish the world of film has just captured me and enticed me.  If you ever listened to our ill-fated podcast, or read my first blog, most of those were about movies and TV.  Again this blog is primarily a gaming blog, but every now and then I feel the need to breach off, which is what I'm going to do today!

I'll start by saying this, I HATE TWILIGHT.  I  bring this to attention first because last night was the midnight showing of that awful piece of trash known as New Moon.  I'm really not going to go much more into it, other than the first movie was just horrible, and the books are probably not much better.  Before you flame me know this, I tried reading the first book...yea let me explain.  So I'm not a vampire fan, I mean I like certain movies with vampires in them, good movies like Lost Boys, Once Bitten (lawlz), and From Dusk til Dawn come to mind from my list. Also I am a HUGE fan of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, both TV show and movie.  It started out cause I thought Sarah Michelle Gellar was beautiful, but then the show got awesome so I stuck with it.  Now I also like werewolves too, again a few movies that come to mind are American Werewolf  in London and TeenWolf.  When I heard about a movie (because even though I worked in a bookstore for 3 years I only slightly knew they were books first) that had to deal with vampires fighting werewolves (Underworld?)  but was aimed at more of a teen group, with the dude who played Cedric Diggory, I said "alright...I'll bite" no pun intended...I really knew nothing about it. My girlfriend had the book and I asked to borrow it just to see the source material, and she assured me that I would hate it.  I foolishly ignored the comment and took the book.  I sat down to read it, and no joke within a few pages in, the book was across the room.  I'm not a girl, and the book is told from a girl's perspective, so reading it did nothing for me.  This has already gone on to long so in the end, the I hated the movie and the story and the actors and actresses and everything about it.  But hey to those who do like it, cool I'm not knocking you for it, it's just not my bag.

The big movie I am really looking forward to this holiday/winter season is Sherlock Holmes.  Strange, this post is about movies, but oddly movies based off books for the most part...Now there's a definitive line on this movie that I've seen from talking to people.  There are the people like me who are uber-excited to see the movie, and then there are the people who just have total hate for it.  I have never read a single Sherlock Holmes book in my life, not because I thought they were bad or anything, I just never got around to them or anything.  I've seen one or two of the movies, or shows or some incarnation of it though.  Most times, and I assume this is why the haters are hating on the new movie, Holmes seems to just be chasing the bad guy, solving crimes with his wit and pipe.  Thats cool and shit, its the reason I love shows like CSI (the original Gil Grissom 4 lyfe) and other reality shows on the crime networks.  What I like about this movie is it looks like we are looking at a very visceral, careless, unrefined Holmes when he is first starting out.  He's not the wise older man that we have all seen before.  I like that, I like the fresh start, a new look at a character that we have grown to know so well.  There's a few other factors here such as first and for most Robert Downy Jr.  Iron Man is one of the best comic book movies to date, and Iron Man 2 is my most anticipated summer movie.  I've always enjoyed his movies, and hes making an awesome come back now.  Jude Law and Mark Strong kick ass as support cast, and with Guy Richie at the helm?  Awesome.  I loved Snatch and RocknRolla, they were both great London gangster movies.  Holmes just has a crazy vibe to it, the style, the look, everything about it makes me excited.  As I said above I think people are starting to dislike the movie already though because we don't have the Holmes of old.  Which again I don't know how he was in the books or anything, I can only speak from what I've seen of this new movie.  Either way I think it looks good, and damn the critics and what everyone else says because if I like it, I guess thats all that matters.

Theres a few other spattered movies here and there that I want to see.  Princess and The Frog from Disney drops on December 11th.  It's Disney's first animated effort since 2004.  It's good to see them going back to basics and working with the classics again.  Not that the movies of late from their animated line have been bad, but they just weren't the Disney movies I grew up with.  Aladdin is one of my favorite movies and the recent BluRay releases of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White have just looked phenomenal.  They also have Rapunzel and one or two other classic stories lined up for release in the new few years.  Avatar is the only other movie that I am psyched for.  Its the first movie sci-fi master and genius James Cameron has done since the epic (epically LAME) Titanic.  But hey the dude broke every record in the book with Titanic so he makes bank.  Put that aside for the simple fact that we have a huge budget, epic sci-fi movie written and directed by the man who brought us: Aliens, True Lies, The Abyss, Terminator and what could be the greatest action movie of all time Terminator 2.  I don't think I need to say much else.  The internet buzz on this movie is huge, the geek fan base for this is overflowing.  In August they held what was referred to as "Avatar Day" in which you had only a limited amount of time (because it sold out so damn fast) to get tickets to watch a 10-15 min scene and some behind the scenes stuff in 3D IMAX.  It was huge.  I am hoping Cameron will be able to crush his own records here, but I highly doubt it.  While Avatar looks great and everything it's not universal like Titanic was.  That movie played to everyone young and old, Avatar is Cameron giving back to the geek/sci-fi community that helped movies like Terminator 2 and Aliens become as big as they are.  I have a good feeling it will be huge though.

So with that I tip my hat to you readers and always,

Thanks for reading!
   -Nerdsbeware out


  1. I am feeling a little meh about Avatar for two reasons:

    (1) I feel like they already explained the entire plot of the movie in the trailer. Why in the world do they give away twists about stuff like people changing sides of a conflict during a fucking trailer? Just ruins any suspense or surprise when you actually go to see it... stuff like that kills me and it seems like a lot of movies do it these days.

    (2) It seems kind of childish/kiddy. I don't mean to say that "kids" movies can't be adult or have mature themes... Pixar does an incredible job making kids movies that are mature (ie: Wall-E and UP were both fantastic movies). I guess the dialogue/story they give away during the trailer just makes it feel a little generic.

    Anyhow thats just the impression I get from the trailer. I'd love to be proven wrong as Cameron has done some awesome stuff.

    P.S. The Abyss sucked. Fucking underwater aliens my ass.

  2. The man still makes leaps and bounds when it comes to film making pushing technology in ways that Lucas or Speilburg do. He headed some of the biggest action/sci-fi movies so reguardless of which movies of his suck or not, the man knows what he doing.

    Like I just told another friend, way to many times this summer I got pumped up about movies and this summer was NOTHING but let downs. I hated 90% of the movies I saw this summer. Right now my view is flat with Avatar, it looks cool I love the cast and Cameron is respectable. But thats it. I'm not looking at it wetting my pants every time I see a commerical. I think it will be a good sci-fi movie. I'm not looking for him to reinvent the wheel here, but I want something that's not going to be generic space movie (IM LOOKING AT YOU STAR TREK).

    Something like District 9 is where our sci-fi movies should be moving. That was by far one of the best I saw all summer. Holmes still has my vote for December though.
