Thursday, March 18, 2010

I Have No Class: The Ranger

Today we take a step back, quite literally, from the action and take a look at the sniper class.  Now I am going to just lay this out there first thing, I'm pretty piss poor with a sniper rifle, so please, take everything I say here with a grain of salt, since most of the time I just find a small spot to camp and hang out there for a while.  Again to explain my naming conventions, in most RPG games, the Ranger or Hunter acts as ranged DPS.  If you remember what DPS is from the last post, just think of it the same way, but instead of being right on top of the guy your fighting, you are banished to the back of the room.  I apologize to most of you who read this and know what all this crap is for these long winded intros but hey, it's what I do.  So without further ado, my sniper class.


The Ranger
Primary Weapon:  As stated above, the Sniper Rifle is going to be your main weapon.  Your goal here is to provide cover for any other teammates on the rush along with being the bane of everyone who happens to get shot from across the map and never see where it came from.  Two things you wont have to worry about comparing rifles is mobility and range.  Both of these stats are automatically maxed out, you really only need worry about the other three stats, which when sniping, are super important.   For my money, I love the Barrett .50Cal.  With the highest fire rate paired with the second highest damage it's usually my top choice with a good attachment on it.  I know a lot of people use the Intervention because of its highest damage and accuracy, but it's bolt action is to slow for me.  Granted for the most part you aren't going to need about quick firing if you are a sniper, because with the correct perks, it's usually a one shot, one kill deal.  With every review I have done it's always been my personal choice, but really pick and gun, take a few shots, find what works well for you.
Attachment: Scopes.  Normally I would say ACOG, but with a sniper, I love thermal scopes.  I really never use them for anything other than snipers.  Once again I shy away from the heartbeat sensor only because you can't see it when zoomed in, and you pretty much have to rely on the audio blips.  A silencer can be nice if you don't want to give away your position.

Secondary Weapon:  I play this class two ways.  The first way is with a side arm, any type of gun.  Something to have to cover your back if someone sneaks up on you.  Pretty straight forward, you need to watch your back when sniping.  Modern Warfare 2 did a really good job of keeping the camping spots to a minimum, forcing you to always keep a look at and never feel safe with your back against the wall.  The second way is with the One Man Army Perk, which I will discuss below.

Equipment:  I would say that 95% of the time I am using claymores.  Say you are on Estate and you spawn at the bottom of the map where that building and all those generators are.  You can go onto the roof of one of the buildings right there which has a full view of almost all the front and side windows.  Place a claymore at the top of that ladder, put your back to it and start sniping.  After a while you get used to the sound that a claymore makes right before it goes off, and if you are quick enough can turn to meet your foe...if he isn't blown to hell.  It works well.  That or Tactical Insertion, just so you don't have to run to your nest each time you die.

Perk 1: One Man Army.  The reason I use this is because as I've said, I am not a very efficient sniper.  What I like about the OMA Perk is that when I spawn, I find a good spot where I can take a couple pop shots, kill a couple people, and then when I feel that my position has been compromised or I get killed a few to many times, Pop over to OMA, switch to say my Tank or Striker class, and get on the move.  It works pretty well for me and saves me from being bored sitting in the same spot missing shot after shot.  Again the downfall of this is it takes a bit of time to switch your class, and you have no true side arm to cover your back in a tough spot.  If all else Bling Pro is pretty nice, strap a scope + FMJ/HBS works well.
Perk 2: Stopping Power. I can't stress this enough.  Snipers already do decent damage to begin with, but with Stopping Power, its almost a sure fire instant kill.  I don't think I use any other perk with a sniper.
Perk 3: Again, another perk I can't stress enough for a sniper class is Steady Aim Pro.  With sniper rifles, to hold your shot steady and not all over the place, you have to press down the control stick to simulate "holding your breath."  It makes your shot more accurate which you always want.  With SAP, the duration in which you hold your breath is extended, making it easier to line up your shot.

If you like not being at the front of the action and take a more relaxed from a far view of the fight, play a sniper.  The learning curve can be a bit tough and in most cases when you see someone and you zoom in on them, the next thing you know is you are dead, because they were zooming right in on you as well.  I've found there is usually someone who is always the better sniper.

So there is one more default custom class spot, they give you five to begin and at level 70 you can prestige (which resets all your guns and stuff) and get an extra spot.  I am sorta a fan of the Pokemon gotta catch them all aspect of fully unlocking all the weapons and attachments for every gun, so I most likely won't prestige at 70.  Anyway, that 5th slot right now is just sorta nothing.  Well I have been messing with the riot shield a bit, and it can be good, but sorta tough.  You pretty much have to stay crouched and strafe if you get into a fight so your enemy can't get behind you.  Do this while trying to get close enough to bash them with your shield can be frustrating unless you use the right perks.  Maybe after I play with it some more tonight I'll right up a post on it.

Well that brings the class review of Modern Warfare 2 to a close.  First off I want to thank all my non MW2 readers for bearing through these posts, and then I want to thank all my MW2 readers for not pointing out that I fail at class building.  Stay tuned, some new stuff coming up within the next week, and then PAX EAST!

Thanks for reading,
       - NerdsBeware out

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